I am a pastor. I have been called since a teen, but have only taken the walk in the later years of my life. My passion is for people. Lost people, found people, sick people, healthy people, unloved people, loved people, poor people, rich people, hurting people, happy people, not so good looking people, and good looking people. All people.
We all have a story, but the story is in our past. What is our future? That is what I am concerned with. How am I going to live tomorrow? But then most importantly, how am I going to live now? This second? Today? That is what matters.
So this blog will be about two things. Us, today and how we live life in it, and secondly, about the Church. Yes the Church of Jesus Christ. I'm a pastor. I have to talk about the church. Where its been, and where its going. Why? Because the church is about people. People inside it, and people outside it and where do all these people stand in our world today. I hope you come back and dialog with me and we will see where we can take this thing. Hopefully to the place where my life, and your life will be changed for the better.
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