Friday, January 23, 2009

Copy of a post from Ed Stetzer. It's great.

I saw this on Dan Ohlerking's Blog and had to put it on mine.  Ed Stetzer had a great piece on his blog:

I just wrote an article for Catalyst on the dangerous trend of gaining converts to our causes without gaining converts to Christ. Here are a few paragraphs.

I continue to see movements gaining traction among Christians that do not seem to have many converts. In other words, they have recruits to their cause, but few converts to Christ. And, I am concerned. I am concerned that in the name of "fixing the Church" we are not proclaiming the Church's gospel.


So, my Reformed friends, let's not only read 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John (that is, John Calvin, John MacArthur, and John Piper), let's go plant some more churches. My emerging church friends, let's take a pause from the theological rethink and head into the neighborhood and to tell someone about Jesus. My missional friends, let's speak of justice, but always tell others how God can be both "just and justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." My house church friends, let's have community, but let's be sure it is one focused on redemption. My Baptist friends, let's focus more on convincing pagans than Presbyterians. And, my charismatic friends, let's focus less on getting existing believers to speak in tongues and more on using our tongue to tell others about Jesus


If you want to convince me (and the body of Christ) to your cause, you must show me it is a better way. You must tell and show something different. You must not just protest what is, but you must show me what should be.

You need to go an read the whole article to see these excerpts in context at


Revelation 3:14-18

14 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: 
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

Interesting reading today in my devotions.  "I know your deeds, that you are either hot nor cold.  I wish you were either one or the other!"  This represents much of the church today, primarily in Europe and North America.  It's unfortunate.  We are in the Laodicean Church age.  An age where there is a resemblance of power and a moving of the Spirit, but there is none or very little as a whole.  The church following tradition, but not the first commandment. 

Matthew 22:37-38
37 Jesus replied, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 

Service or "works" is good, helping your fellow man.  The church has been growing by assisting in "causes", but has forgotten about really loving God.  Many churches put out a great product, great music, great children's and youth programs, a great place to hang out, but they don't seem to take that next and greater step.  Spiritual growth.  Holiness.  Numbers are seen as the sign of of a growing church, but spiritual growth of a believer should be a sign also.  But I really think many churches don't know how anymore.  Doing something for the sake of doing something that is just "right" accomplishes nothing.  Doing something because you were compelled by the moving of the Holy Spirit is something totally different.  Yes some individuals are moved differently and you don't have to have some holy aura about you to do something for God, but when someone is totally enveloped into Christ when service is done because of the love for the Savior and Father, it takes on a whole meaning.  That is what the church lacks. We need to have that relationship with our Lord which only comes from deep prayer and the study and meditation of the Word in whatever form, to where "works" that bear fruit, walking in the second commandment to "love your neighbor" is Spirit driven and has more impact and the un-churched see love in a pure form.

Now that I think about it, that's the issue, no love.  Since we are not passionate for God, which should be our first love, we don't know how to love.  Since we do not know how to love, we don't know how to walk.  We then walk in between darkness and light.  We in our flesh feel safe there.  We don't go to close to the light, because we don't know what is "there".  We've heard what was "there", but we have not experienced "there".   So we have a fear of "there".  We don't have love so we have fear.  

1 John 4:18
18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 

We don't go close to the darkness because we know its bad.  We have been taught that way through tradition. It is not that we fear it.    So we are not hot nor cold.  So what do we do?

It states in 1John 4:18, "perfect love".  What is perfect love, and how do we get perfect love?  Matthew 22:37. "Love the Lord your God".    That is where you find perfect love.  That is what will pull us from center to the Light.  That is what causes us to look at darkness totally different.  Now I am just rambling at that is what blogs are for, but I believe there is some truth in this.  How will the church get things right?  How does the church find its direction?  One way.  Love your God!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Today's Thoughts

I came across the first message I preached at Life Church after returning to Illinois after 8 years in Louisiana, and one part of the message struck me again. It was an excerpt from Rob Bell's book "The Velvet Elvis" where he plainly put it that the church really needs to change its thinking about the unchurched.

“The most powerful things happen when the church surrenders its desire to convert people and convince people to join them. It is when the church gives itself away in radical acts of service and compassion, expecting nothing in return, that the way of Jesus is radically and openly displayed to people. And the only way to do this, is the church has to stop thinking about people in categories of in or out, or being good or bad, believer or non-believer, saved or unsaved. Those terms and that thought process completely go against what Jesus taught us about how to treat each other. Placing people in categories is offensive.” Rob Bell.

The early church in the Book of Acts chapter 2 had it right.  They shared food (Acts 2:46), they shared their stuff or sold it to help others in need when they needed it (Acts 2:45), they were all on the same page (Acts 2:44), and they had gladness and simplicity of heart (Acts 2:46).  

Their lives were a testimony of goodness, grace, and love.  In Acts 2:47, it states that they had favor with all the people.  ALL the people.  Why?  They lived a life of servanthood and love.  When you love someone, you look past how they dress, how they talk, who they hang with, and if they are rich or poor.  You don't care about those things which are really insignificant when you come to it, because what is significant is the heart.   What condition is their heart in?  When a heart is healed, transformation takes place.  

The early church went through a transformation.  They did not live by strict rules anymore.  They lived by grace.  They were free.  They were freed by the death and resurrection of a Savior, Jesus Christ.  The church today has re-created rules again.  You must look like them, talk like them, and act like them.  If you don't you are not part of them, and to be part of them, you must change and be exactly like them because they are right and you are wrong.  You wonder why the unchurched portion of our society is getting larger, and why those unchurched individuals despise Christianity and the people involved in it.

Jesus was The Model for reaching the unchurched.  He hung out with them.  Ate with them.  Treated them like they were just like anyone else.  He understood it was a heart issue.  How do you get someone to open up their heart?  By building a relationship with them.  To have a relationship with someone, you have to hang with them.  To hang with them, you have to meet them where they are at.  Jesus met them where they were at.  He did not hang in the temple and expect people to come to him.  They wouldn't come then because of "religion" and "hypocrisy", and they won't do it now for the same reasons.  

When we quit trying to "convert" people, as Rob Bell states, and just love people by building relationships and serving those in need. By going out.  Out of the "sanctuary" of a building to hurting people. Maybe, just maybe, we'll find favor with those that really need love, a kind word, or a hug, maybe a coat, or food, and then, Jesus.

Starbuck's Church

I thought this was pretty good. Makes you think.

First Post

Thanks for checking out my blog.  I hope this blog will be thought provoking.  I guess I have come to a point in my life where I become more transparent, but also more black and white.  I guess age may be a part of it, but I am not mellowing with growing older.   When you pursue a life of holiness as I am being drawn into, light and darkness become ever more clear.  Gray is not as broad but is consumed by either contrasts.  Life decisions become easier to follow as that line we won't cross becomes clearer and the sense not to go near it becomes stronger.  Now this blog will rarely talk about black and white, but in future writings by this author you will know where I am coming from.  

I am a pastor.  I have been called since a teen, but have only taken the walk in the later years of my life.  My passion is for people.  Lost people, found people, sick people, healthy people, unloved people, loved people, poor people, rich people, hurting people, happy people, not so good looking people, and good looking people. All people.  

We all have a story, but the story is in our past.  What is our future?  That is what I am concerned with.  How am I going to live tomorrow?  But then most importantly, how am I going to live now?  This second?  Today? That is what matters.

So this blog will be about two things.  Us, today and how we live life in it, and secondly, about the Church.  Yes the Church of Jesus Christ.  I'm a pastor.  I have to talk about the church.  Where its been, and where its going. Why?  Because the church is about people.  People inside it, and people outside it and where do all these people stand in our world today.  I hope you come back and dialog with me and we will see where we can take this thing.  Hopefully to the place where my life, and your life will be changed for the better.

